Sunday, April 19, 2015

Final Project Idea

Progress For Final Project 

The idea for the final project is to record a student going through the stress of taking a test. The stress is so much that the student even dreams about it.

We have worked on a shot list, and specific ways we want to shoot this assignment.
 props: timer or clock/ paper/ pen/ calendar
sounds effects: walking/ writing/ ticking clock/ alarm sound/ possibly music
shot list:
The idea is not to show the student's face until the end, we still haven't decided whether we will show the student's face or not, but we will shoot both ideas and decide the ending in post.

1st shot: establishing shot:  FS school entrance
2nd shot: MS student arriving at school's entrance
3rd shot: POV student grabbing ID followed by CU
4rd shot: CU hands going through scanner
5th shot: MS student going up the escalator, camera follows
6th shot: MS student walking inside classroom/ professor background, student foreground
7th shot: MS student sit down
8th shot: CU hand on paper writing
9th shot: CU professor's hand on timer
10th shot: MS clock
11th shot: series of CUs student bitting lips/ hands/ sweat
12th shot: CU clock...time is up
13th shot: FS professor approaches student
14th shot: CU student's handing in the test but not letting go
15th shot: MS professor takes the test and walks away
16th shot: MS student sees another test on the table and panics
17th shot: MS student waking up at library
18th shot: CU calendar - wrong date for test
19th shot: MS student sigh in relief

Here we will shoot showing student's face, as well as from student's back where we don't see the face.

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